Monday, April 4, 2022

Module 13: How to enable SonarQube Scanner for PL/SQL files? - Code quality check for SQL files using SonarQube - Scan sql code using Sonar


How to enable SonarQube Scanner for PL/SQL files? - Code quality check for SQL files using SonarQube - Scan sql code using Sonar

If you would like to enable scanning for PL/SQL files in SonarQube, there are both commercial and open source plug-ins available. Lets see how to enable open source plug-in for SonarQube. Useful information is below:

SonarQube is already set up and running.

Steps: (Execute this step on SonarQube instance)

1. navigate to folder where you installed SonarQube:
cd /opt/sonarqube/lib/bundled-plugins
2. Download the plsql opensource plug-in from the above websites by executing below command:
sudo wget
3. Stop the Sonarqube scanner.
sudo systemctl stop sonar
4. Start the Sonarqube scanner.
 sudo systemctl start sonar
5. Make sure Sonarqube is up and running
sudo systemctl status sonar

once started, you should see below message
sonar.service - SonarQube service
Loaded: loaded (/etc/systemd/system/sonar.service; enabled; vendor preset: enabled)
Active: active (running) since Thu 2018-02-15 01:36:23 UTC;

6. If you don't see server is not starting, you might want to check the logs by executing:
cat /opt/sonarqube/logs/web.log 
7. Now login to SonarQube, Navigate to Quality Profiles section, you should see PL/SQL rules added.

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